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VIDI grant for Rolf Fronczek

Neurologist Rolf Fronczek was awarded the Vidi grant worth 800,000 in early July to investigate the role of sleep and the biological clock in cluster headaches. The research will be about the influence of sleep and the biological clock on cluster headache attacks.

No less than twelve scientists from Leiden University have been awarded a grant of 800,000 euros by science financier NWO. With this Vidi funding, the researchers can set up their own line of research over the next five years.

Cluster headaches, sleep and the biological clock – Rolf Fronczek

People with cluster headaches experience severe pain during sleep and are desperate for a normal night’s rest. Rolf Fronczek’s research will study how cluster headaches are triggered by sleep and the biological clock. In addition, two agents specifically acting on this are being tested.