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Prof. dr. Arn M.J.M. van den Maagdenberg


Prof. dr. Arn M.J.M. van den Maagdenberg is professor of Neurogenetics at the Leiden University Medical Center and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the genetic laboratory of migraine research. He studied Biology at the Catholic University Nijmegen and received his PhD from Leiden University. The title of his thesis (October 28 1993) was ‘Genetic and functional analysis of apolipoprotein E’.

The research of the last 10 years can best be described as “translational research”, where the explicit aim is to strengthen as much as possible the link between basic neuroscience and medicine, and more specifically neurology. With affiliations to the Departments of Human Genetics and Neurology, his research has focused on unraveling the disease mechanisms of migraine and related seizure disorders such as epilepsy, ataxia and complex regional pain syndrome. A multidisciplinary team conducts research into genetics, neurobiology, neuroimaging, and the identification of biomarkers of the aforementioned disorders. The LUMINA research plays a very important role in this.


An up-to-date overview of prof. dr. van den Maagdenbergs publications can be found here: